Offline - 2 år



Mit personlige motto:

Always talk nice to, or about others. If you talk bad, the ones you're disgracing isn't really the ones you're talking to, or about. It's the ones who raised you. Because then you're showing that they failed to teach you good manners.

Min Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Azizam1976
Min IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6161922

Hvilke navne står der på din navneattest?
Johanna Anina Kristina Malianguaq Inunnguaq Larsen Sivertsen Sabbaghioun Brüel (med i den danske Guinnes Rekordbog 2002).

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  • ghita1961

    Tillykke Med Fødselsdagen 

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