Offline - 2 år


Aldrig bland min personlighed & attitude sammen, for min personlighed er mig & min attitude afhænger af dig! smiley_wink_ani.gif

Taler du bag min ryg, betyder det jeg er længere fremme end dig.. Kommentere du mit liv, betyder det vel mit liv er mere spændende end dit.. Bruger du tid på at lede efter mine fejl, betyder det du er jaloux.. Fortsæt endelig! Så lever jeg livet imens


About NURSES: Somebody asked: "You're a nurse? That's cool, I wanted to do that when I was a kid. How much do you make?" The nurse replied: "HOW MUCH DO I MAKE?" ... I can make holding your hand seem like the most important thing in the world when you're scared. ... I can make your child breathe when they stop. ... I can help your father survive a heart attack. ... I can make myself get up at 5 a.
m. to make sure your mother has the medicine she needs to live. ... I work all day to save the lives of strangers. ... I make my family wait for dinner until I know your family member is taken care of. ... I make myself skip lunch so that I can make sure that everything I did for your wife today is charted. ... I make myself work weekends and holidays because people don't just get sick Monday thru Friday. ... Today, I might save your life. ... How much do I make? All I know is, I make a difference!

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  • thehotgirl

    Stort tillykke med dagen 


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