Offline - 6 år



Hi Vampires or other beings of the Night

First of all may Caine and Lillith bless you, who ever you are, and honor them, because I'm their true servant, like any vampire on this earth.

For a long time during my life, I never found any rest any where....I was searching....then one night, before I go for sleep, he was standing in front of me, Caine, all vampires father, and behind the person, I forever would call my master, even if he is forever resting, waiting for the time to rise again.

Before you ran away scared, by the fact to visite a vampire, just remember, we aren't evil at all, we never kill for fun, we don't harm people more than mortal being doing through war, crime or curses, so don't blame us, we didn't create this evil, the mighty god did.

Caine only gave god, what he ask for, and that wasn't enough? tell me honestly, what is more precious and important for you, than your broher or sister...and haven't god rejected what Caine brought him the first time, so if someone is evil, it may be god, for it was him, who asked for a sacrifice.

But let us go on, and not stay with a story, .I am true servant of Caine, and his master and teacher Lillith.

I have lived in a Country named Denmark, for this lifetime, before that, I not really remember, but I know, that this isn't my only life, and I will be here to the end, if not in body, then in soul or mind.

Some may call me crazy, some may call me mad, and some may call me ugly, but who in this world have the right to judge other than themself? if someone with truth in their eyes can tell me, what madness is and what it isn't, then let me hear. If someone with their life at risk can tell me what crazyness is, and what isn't, then come to me. If anyone can say, without looking with their own oppinion, who is beauty and who is ugly, then you have the right to call me that, but else, it will all be a matter of your oppinion and not the truth.

So I have learned always to be honest, even if I know, that many in this world are mean, lying, using or whatever. But I respect people for what they do, and how they are, not for how they look, noone choose a proper look, but everybody choose their personality.

feel free to be honest, and say what you feel, and feel free to write me at any time, but I know, that my place on this earth is just as important than every living being.

but well, I hope to learn new people, who maybe share my opinion or just wanna talk, so please leave a comment.

So live your life, and respect mine


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