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Kvinde, 56,

vild med ELVIS  & musik/film generelt


I plan to live forever or die in the attempt!


Conquer your fear, and you´ll conquer death !.... ("Alexander")
In the end, all that matters is what you´ve done !.... ("Alexander")
If you can´t fix it - you gotta stand it !.... ("Brokeback Mountain")

Take your aesthetes; taste purer things; kill them swiftly, if you will, but DO it. For do not doubt: you are a killer, Louis ! .... ("Interview with the Vampire")

You are a vampire who never knew what life was until it ran out in a big gush over your lips !.... ("Interview with the Vampire")

---- MICHAEL JACKSON - a Truly Unique Musical Legend and Human Being!
---- What´s the point in reading travel-guide books to Asia, if the plane drops you off in Holland ?? ----

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